Steps to Prepare Apple Pie Recipes With Shortcrust Pastry

Pie Crust Iv

More delicious veggie recipes to try.

Apple Pie

Recipe Summary Pie Crust Iv

My grandmother supported her family during the Depression by baking. This is her recipe for pie crust. I use this often as I am a pie baker. The trick to good pie crust is to be gentle and treat it very lightly.

Ingredients | Apple Pie Recipes With Shortcrust Pastry

  • ½ cup vegetable shortening
  • 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup cold water
  • Directions

  • Mix shortening, flour, and salt together with a fork or a pastry blender until very crumbly. Add as much water as needed to hold together, and mix lightly with a fork.
  • Roll gently on a floured pastry cloth to about an inch larger than pie plate. Fold carefully in half, lift to pie plate, and unfold. Press into pan. For a single-crust pie, trim with a small knife to about 1/2 inch beyond rim. Fold up, and pinch so edge of pie is raised from rim.
  • For a two-crust pie, trim bottom crust to edge of rim, fill, and top with crust about 1/2 inch larger than rim. Tuck top crust under bottom along rim. Seal with floured fork.
  • Info | Apple Pie Recipes With Shortcrust Pastry

    prep: 10 mins total: 10 mins Servings: 8 Yield: 1 pie crust

    TAG : Pie Crust Iv

    Dessert Recipes, Pies, Pie Crust Recipes, Pastry Crusts,

    Images of Apple Pie Recipes With Shortcrust Pastry

    Apple Pie Recipes With Shortcrust Pastry : Versatile shortcrust makes terrific tarts, pies and party nibbles.